Immediately following the theatrical run of A Good Day To Die Hard in 2013, Fox Studios began looking into developing a sixth installment, possibly as an answer to that film's poor critical response. When the production was formally announced for the fifth film in the series, Bruce Willis expressed his desire to retire the John McClane character in a final film, explicitly calling for a 'fleshed out' conclusion. It was released on February 14, 2013, to negative reviews and grossed $304.7 million worldwide. Jack throws Komarov off of the roof he falls on the rotors of the helicopter and gets shredded to bits. McClane goes after Irina, while Jack chases her father. Irina, always on the side of her father Komarov, tries to save him. They retrieve a key for the file in Chernobyl, and meet Komarov's daughter Irina ( Yuliya Snigir). McClane holds them off, and escapes with Jack and Komarov. Chagarin's henchmen, led by his main enforcer Alik (Radivoje Bukvic), attack the safe house. When they stop at a CIA safe house in Moscow, McClane learns Jack is a deep-cover CIA operative trying to get close to Komarov for his file that incriminates corrupt, high-ranking Russian official Viktor Chagarin (Sergei Kolesnikov). Jack, unhappy at the unexpected arrival, reluctantly picks up his father.

In an intense car chase, McClane pursues and saves the pair.

When he arrives at the Moscow courthouse for Jack, Russian terrorists bomb the building and Jack escapes with imprisoned ex-billionaire Yuri Komarov ( Sebastian Koch). ( Jai Courtney) was arrested in Moscow for murder. McClane finds out that his estranged son John "Jack" McClane, Jr. The fifth and final film is set a few years later, mostly in Moscow, Russia and Chernobyl ( Pripyat), Ukraine. Charles Gordon, Lawrence Gordon and Joel Silver